Lowell Observatory Classics

Saturday, July 16, 2022: Lowell Observatory
Classics: ~2km, ~3km, ~5km, Motala

[image:O flag] Pre-Register (Deadline: Thursday, July 14, 2022 at 11:59 PM)

Time Event(s) Location Directions Google
Saturday, July 16, 2022
Sat, July 16
7:30 AM -
12:00 PM
Classics (Classics Description) Lowell Observatory Directions Placemark Safety Plan

Lowell Observatory


With summer in full swing in Phoenix, we're excited to offer a day of navigation fun at Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff. On Saturday, July 16, we're offering three Classic courses and a Motala on the Lowell Observatory grounds. In Classic courses, participants visit destination markers 1,2,3,etc. in the order printed on the map. Participants can do one or more of the Classic courses separately, with breaks in between, or can combine the three by doing the Motala, where participants do all three courses with no breaks.

The Lowell Observatory is home to a number of buildings and telescopes that are part of a National Historic Landmark. It was here that Pluto was discovered in 1930. The site continues today as an education facility that welcomes over 80,000 visitors per year. In addition to its scientific value, the site is also home to an open pine forest located within walking distance from downtown Flagstaff. We encourage you to stop by the visitor's center after a morning of navigation fun.

We hope you'll consider joining us for this year's events at the Lowell Observatory.


In order to promote pre-registration for our events, the Club has implemented a new pricing structure. Participants who pre-register for the event will benefit from priority pricing. While on-site registration is still available, pricing for on-site registration is more expensive. In addition, we'll print some extra maps for each of our events, but we cannot guarantee a map for those who do not pre-register.

Pre-Registration is open until Thursday, July 14, 2022 at 11:59 PM. After the pre-registration closes, you can still try your luck and register on-site. We will have pre-printed maps for everyone who pre-registers. We cannot guarantee a map for those who register on-site.

Click [image:O flag] here to pre-register.


Fees for the Lowell Observatory events are shown below. Note that for the single entry fee, participants can do one, two, or all three courses individually, or can string the three courses together and do the Motala.

Pre-register, GPHXO or TSN member $10
Pre-register, non-member $15
On-site registration, member or non-member $20

Parental Consent:

Parental Consent Now Required (Click here for more information)

All participants under age 18 are now required to have a signed parental consent form on file with the club. You can complete the form before the event and either scan it and send it to us by e-mail or bring it with you to the event.


Saturday, July 16, 2022
07:30 AM Check-in/Registration begins
09:00 AM Last time to start the Motala
10:00 AM Last time to start any course.
12:00 PM Courses Close. All participants must finish the course at this time.



Details of our Classic events are found here.

What to Bring:

The list below is the minimum recommended equipment for the Score-O.

  • Whistle (Mandatory for all. Available for purchase for $1)
  • Compass (Mandatory for all. Available for rent for $1)
  • Water. Water is NOT available at the start/finish . We also DO NOT have water stations on the course. You are strongly encouraged to bring your own water bottles or a camelback.
  • Sun screen. There is shade in the forest on all the courses. We encourage you to protect yourself from sunburn.
  • Sturdy hiking shoes and long pants are recommended. You may encounter some thick brush and loose terrain.


There are numerous choices for motels in the Flagstaff area. For those of you who are feeling a little more adventurous, there are campgrounds and dispersed camping in the Coconino National Forest surrounding Flagstaff.


[image:O flag] Directions to the Lowell Observatory event site.
[image:O flag] Lowell Observatory Safety Plan