Rock Springs

I-17 Exit 242
Black Canyon City, AZ

(30 minutes north of Phoenix on I-17)

[image:O flag] Google Map Placemark
[image:O flag] Safety Plan

Rock Springs is a popular stop just off Interstate 17 at exit 242. The Rock Springs Cafe, located on the frontage road southwest of the exit, is an popular destination for meals and world famous pies. The rugged Black Canyon is located just west of the cafe. Registration and the start/finish for our orienteering events will take place in the unpaved parking area just south of the cafe. To get to the start/finish, enter the parking area just south of the gas station at the south side of Rock Springs Cafe.


The Rock Springs Cafe and event registration is located in Black Canyon City just southwest of the I-17 exit 242.

To get to the Rock Springs Cafe and Event Registration:


Click on a map below to open an equivalent Google map in a separate window.

From I-17 and Loop 101
Directions from I-17 and Loop 101 in Phoenix to I-17 Exit 242

Info around exit 242
Map around I-17 Exit 242