Results: November 11, 2007
Coon Bluff Score-O

The 2007-2008 Phoenix orienteering season got off to a great start at the recent Coon Bluff meet. The weather was beautiful, if a bit warm. Two deer were spotted on the course and the local wild horses were seen along the river. We had a great turn out of old and new friends, and everyone had a great time. Only one person managed to complete the challenging course. Congratulations to Ron Birks for an amazing run. A big thanks to all of the volunteers that helped make this event possible, especially Tisha Taylor, a recent graduate of the October Land Nav class. We couldn't have done it without all your help.

Event Volunteers:

Course Setter/Meet Director: Forest Brown
Bag Hangers: Forest Brown, Richard Dewey, David Erhart
Equipment: Sheryl Berling-Wolff
Setup/Tear-down: Forest Brown, Sheryl Berling-Wolff, Richard Dewey, Tisha Taylor, Ron Birks
Registration Table: Tisha Taylor, Sheryl Berling-Wolff
Timing Table: Richard Dewey, Forest Brown, Ron Birks
Beginners Clinic: Sheryl Berling-Wolff
Control Retrieval: Forest Brown, Ludwig Hill, Max Suter, Glenn Haselfeld, Damian Green, Ron Birks

Competitive Score-O
  750 Possible Points
  Score includes a -10 point penalty for each part of a minute over 2:00:00

  COMPETITOR             Points   Time     Place 
  Ron Birks              750      1:52:59  1M
  Ludwig Hill            700      1:52:50  2M
  Max Suter              700      1:58:01  3M
  David Marks            630      2:02:10  4M
  Windy Marks            610      2:04:18  1F
  Cristina Luis          600      2:03:00  2F
  Matt Hanly             600      2:03:21  5M
  Arild Orscele          500      1:50:16  6M
  One and 1/2 Men        490      2:06:00  1T
  Gary Hickey            450      2:04:50  7M
  Mojos                  390      1:57:57  3F
  Phil and Chuck         380      1:44:43  2T
  Glenn Haselfeld        330      2:14:34  8M
  Donna Fluegel          310      2:14:20  4F
  Team Think Blue        270      1:52:39  3T
  Tatiana Fedyk          250      1:54:30  4T
  Merrick Haskell        DNF      --:--:-- --
Recreational Score-O

  Doug McCulley
  Andy Allman
  Jay Horvath
  Diane Haselfeld
  Clark Family
  Colleen LaRose
  Jack London
  Richard and Tisha
  Steve Fluegel

Recreational White Course

  COMPETITOR         Time       Place
  Melissa Trout      36:56      1F
  Lisa Kamienicki    Rec
  Damian and Co.     Rec