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John Rickel and Family
(Photo by Forest Brown)
Laura Wasylenki and Team Rockstar
(Photo by Forest Brown)
Eric Ringnes and Team Louise(Photo by Forest Brown)
Brian and Ryan from Team Game Over arriving at the timing table.
(Photo by Forest Brown)
Wendy and Dave Marks finishing the Score-O (Photo by Forest Brown)
Dusty and Tisha planning their course strategy. (Photo by Forest Brown)
Leif and Ludwig relaxing after the race. (Photo by Forest Brown)
Jeff and Gary discussing the day's route. (Photo by Forest Brown)
Glenn Haselfeld coming in after scaring away the wild horses.
(Photo by Forest Brown)
Ludwig, Jeff, and Ron trying to figure out why their shoes are so dirty after
a day of running in the desert. (Photo by Forest Brown)
It was a great day for wild flowers. (Photo by Forest Brown)